Microenvironment mapping via Dexter energy transfer on immune cells.

TitleMicroenvironment mapping via Dexter energy transfer on immune cells.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGeri JB, Oakley JV, Reyes-Robles T, Wang T, McCarver SJ, White CH, Rodriguez-Rivera FP, Parker DL, Hett EC, Fadeyi OO, Oslund RC, MacMillan DWC
Date Published2020 03 06
KeywordsB7-H1 Antigen, Catalysis, Cell Membrane, Cellular Microenvironment, Energy Transfer, Humans, Jurkat Cells, Lymphocytes, Methane, Photochemical Processes, Protein Interaction Mapping, Protein Interaction Maps, Ultraviolet Rays

Many disease pathologies can be understood through the elucidation of localized biomolecular networks, or microenvironments. To this end, enzymatic proximity labeling platforms are broadly applied for mapping the wider spatial relationships in subcellular architectures. However, technologies that can map microenvironments with higher precision have long been sought. Here, we describe a microenvironment-mapping platform that exploits photocatalytic carbene generation to selectively identify protein-protein interactions on cell membranes, an approach we term MicroMap (μMap). By using a photocatalyst-antibody conjugate to spatially localize carbene generation, we demonstrate selective labeling of antibody binding targets and their microenvironment protein neighbors. This technique identified the constituent proteins of the programmed-death ligand 1 (PD-L1) microenvironment in live lymphocytes and selectively labeled within an immunosynaptic junction.

Alternate JournalScience
PubMed ID32139536
PubMed Central IDPMC7336666
Grant ListF32 GM133133 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States
R01 GM103558 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States